2019 | Life Updates

Hi Everyone.

It's been 4 years. The last post I made was in 2015. Whoa it has been ages I have not write anything in this blog. To be honest, I forget I had one. Haha silly me!

Okay long story short, these past 4 years my life was okay. I have not changed that much, still the same old me but a bit matured in some ways. So this year I made a drastic changes in my life, I'd quit my jobs after 4 years with no backup plan at all. It was an unexpected decision but I have to do it for the sake of my mental health. I have to do what I got to do. But don't worry I'm doing great now. I'm resting and now still figuring what I should do for my future.

Actually I'm contemplating if I should post this or not. It felt really awkward. I think I should write more as this is a platform that I can express my opinions and my rants. I think that's all for now.

